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Florian Jesse

Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 12:57 Interviews mit den Entwicklern
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Die Spieleseiten Fappin.com und hsw.hu haben jeweils ein Interview mit einem der LFS Entwickler geführt. So spricht Victor van Vlaardingen unter anderem über die kommenden S2 und S3 Versionen. In den späteren Versionen wird es neben komplett neuen Wagen, wie z.B. Einsitzer (Formel Wagen, Karts), auch bessere Physik (Reifenabrieb, Benzinverbrauch), ein Schadensmodell und Regenrennen geben. Des weiteren verriet Victor, dass in einem kostenlosen Patch für S1 die maximale Anzahl der Spieler auf 16 erhöht werden wird.

Hungarian SimWord
HSW: Your game is very-very popular in Hungary and the hardcore racing community also loud from the success of Live for Speed. Have you expected such a good reception?
Victor : I don't think we have had any idea about where LFS would stand if you would have asked us a year ago. It was only when the gamedemo got out and we got feedback that we started to learn the good and bad sides of lfs. It was only then that it became apparent that the combination of the whole online nature and physics seemed to be attractive to people. We had no idea this would be SO attractive. We're just making a game that we'd wanna play...

HSW: It seems a good idea that you disregard a publisher company. Do you think this release mode of the game is fulfilled? Is it possible that other car racing games will be published this way in the future?
Victor : Well, partially fullfilled yes. With the online nature of the game, and the people it attracts because of that, selling through the net is made somewhat easier. But credit cards are way from being globally owned by everyone and also not every bank will accept payment from every country. So there are some obstacles there, but seen in the big picture, it's going well enough for us to be able to continue, so yes, we're very happy to be independant.
So yeah, if we can do it, others can too. Why not?
I'm personally more hoping to see that publishers stay, but take on a different role. Let the developer develop again and have the publisher do what they were supposed to do: marketing and distribution - at least while not everyone has internet and a credit card...

HSW: We have got a sample from the physics of the cars in S1. In which stage will you include tyre wear, pit stop, visible damage or other extras? What kind of extras are they ?
Victor : These features will be added over time. Many additions to the game have logical consequences, meaning that in order to create one thing, you need to have created another first. We have not yet implemented damage yet, as we needed to have set a good base first. Now that's done we can focus on adding damage, bit by bit.
So that includes the things you mentioned. Tyre wear and temperature, inner and outer car damage and as you refer to the car physics, we'd very much like to implement for example wet roads (and rain).

HSW: One of the fundamental point is the graphics. We could see the graphic features in the game as we have never seen in another top racing games, but the time is ticking away and the graphics will be out of date lawfully. Do you try to give attention to keep this up-to-date and what kind of new graphic features (for example transparent windshield) will be included in the S2 and S3 releases?
Victor : We'll I think I'd be lying if i would say we'll be actively chasing the latest technologies to keep gfx up to date. There's only so much our graphics engine can handle (read, what it's meant to do), so if we want to support all the latest card features, a big rewrite of the 3d engine will be needed and because this is massive work, it is not a big priority now (and as we only have one coder Smilie.
Also i think it would be more effective if such a rewrite would be done when it would make a really big difference. Current technologies are nice, but I'm not sure if it would add much to the racing experience. Tomorrows technologies will be even nicer than todays, why not go for that and make a bigger difference when the rewrite if due.
For now we'll be focussing on the game itself, when we're happy with that we'll think about making it nice. One exception will probably be transparent windows, but even that requires quite a bit of work to get done (not the windows, but the whole car interior and animations). But, it will be in the game one day.

HSW: Do you plan to re-design/improve the lookout of the menu system?
Victor : Probably. It already has in fact. Many things have changed ever since the demo came out a year ago and will keep changing over time to suit the needs of the game.

HSW: In S1 there are many different tracks and cars. How many new tracks and cars will be included in the next stages?
Victor : We don't know for sure yet as we still have to see what to put in exactly, but i think the amount of tracks and cars in S2 will be around the same as S1. But as said, we just don't know yet what's going to be in S2.

HSW: The game can't be defeated in the online area, because very exciting races can be fight with other racers. But currently maximum 11(12) players can join to a server at a time. This number seems too few (according to our experiences a special game server could be able to serve more players than 11). Do you plan to increase this number in the next stages?
Victor : Yes. The next step is 16 players and will be added in one of the S1 patches. As LFS is quite cpu hungry, we'll be increasing this number along with cpu technology.

HSW: Before S1, a new patch was released at almost every week for the demo, but there is no new patch since S1 has been released. Does this mean that S1 is faultless or there is no way to release a patch and we have to wait for S2 to solve the possible bugs?
Victor : Well, compared with earlier beta demo versions, S1 does indeed contain almost no bugs. Patch release will not be as common as with the beta demos. There are several reasons for this, like the beta demo was, as it already implies, a beta. meaning we could release patches for testing every week and change things frequently. But now that S1 is the official release, you can't just change something big and have incompatible patches for example. Besides that, we needed a break after the release of S1, so not much work has been done lately. But yes, there will be some patches over time, adding more features and fix what needs to be fixed..

HSW: We think this question is a bit prickly, but we can't leave it out.
When will the S2 be released? Do we have a chance to get it let's say before x-mas?
Victor : Before x-mas: not very likely. In fact, we still need to evaluate what to exactly put in S2, so we really don't have a clue when it will be finished. But first half of next year is more likely than this year.

HSW: It's true that the development of Live for Speed hasn't been finished yet, but do you have a plan of a possible sequel? Do you have any idea?
Victor : I suppose you are talking about when S3 or something is done? No idea .
We don't plan that far ahead and prefer to take things one at a time. If S3 is out and we still have lots to do and people want more and if still want to go on, we'll go on. But I can't say anything about how things are in some years.

HSW: We know that the sound engine of the game has revolutionary features. Do you plan to implement new features or improving on this part of the game?
Victor : Yes. The car-engine sound is almost completely synthesized and we have several ideas of improving it. Many people are not very fund of the synthetic feeling it has now and that's one of the things we want to improve greatly. After giving it more breath and atmospheric feeling, along with tweaking all the functions we believe that synthesized sound can become quite realistic.

HSW: Do you play other racing games on PC?
Victor : I've played a bit of nascar2k3 but lately there's simply very little time to play games and when I do have time I like to snoop around our own community and fill my online stats a bit .

HSW: Thank you for the possibility for this interview. Good luck in the future!


Smax:- What made you decide to create a racing sim in the first place? There's Not exactly a shortage of other similar titles out there and going it alone without a publisher could be considered a risky move.
Victor:- Indeed there are plenty of racing titles around these days and several in the making. But there are not so many race -sim- titles out there I think. We wanted a true driving experience and not a racing game to just kill time with, so decided to make our own. Or well, Scawen and Eric started LFS, I joined later and have been enjoying it ever since. Not having a publisher isn't necessarily risky, it just means more work for oneself. Fortunately we ran into the forums at RaceSimCentral which became a beacon for race sim enthousiasts to learn about LFS and they could spread the word again, which is very convenient when not having a publisher Smilie

Smax:- Please tell us a little about what we can expect from LFS S2 & S3, are we talking about just adding more tracks and cars or are there plans for more widespread change?
Victor:- I don't think every S release will be -very- similar. Of course it's still LFS, but we'd like to add great diversity to the game. Plans are to put in, for example, single seaters and karts, but also buggies and maybe some completely different vehicles. We'll have to see about that still, but diversity you can expect. This doesn't mean that only different types of tracks and cars need to be made, the game itself will always keep improving and new features being added. Better car physics, things like damage, but also game play itself will be expanded, to allow people to experience the game a bit more intense.

Smax:- Are there any plans to release a software development kit to allow the LFS community to create their own cars,tracks, game modifications etc?
Victor:- There will be no kit or tool of any kind released by us in the near future. However, when the end of development comes near, we will most likely release a way to introduce self made cars in LFS.

Smax:- Are there any features of LFS that you really wanted to include but weren't able to either for feasibility or time constraint reasons?
Victor:- Well, everything that's not in it yet Smilie That may sound silly but there are so many plans and ideas on the shelves, the list would become too big if we'd write down what we want to still add to the game.

Smax:- The real meat of any game is its online gameplay, I notice the "LFS World" page of the LFS website has a neat stat tracking function, are there plans for any official leagues/competitions sponsored by LFS itself?
Victor:- I kind of fail to see the link between the two but let's take LFS World on Our website first. It's a personal tracking system indeed, that will keep track of every race and it's results, laptimes and personal bests, has an online hostlist with information and even live monitoring of hosts, viewed from the website. This last feature will be expanded soon so everyone can spectate races, which can be very interesting for leagues (but you can always view any race going on).

Official leagues, I don't think we will organise those - maybe we'll Cooperate in the future, but so far, several decent leagues are already being run so we don't feel like starting one ourselves really, when it's already done by someone else.

Smax:- Do you race online yourselves and if so care to brag about how quick you are? Zwinker
Victor:- Yes of course we race online ourselves Smilie We're no top performers though, but can drive along pretty well I guess. We're amazed by those racers that go several seconds faster than us on any track! No idea how they do it.

Smax:- Do you have a particular favourite car/track to drive?
Scawen: LX6 on Fern Bay Black
Eric: LX 6 on City Long
Victor: FE Green with rb4 (but FE Gold rev with rb4 is also very good I discovered lately Smilie

Smax:- Are there any plans to expand the team for the release of S2 & S3 if so where should interested parties apply?
Victor:- Probably not. There are several people that help us out with some things,but the main team will, at least for a while, remain the same.

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Offline Christian Walter

Beiträge: 6572

Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 13:26 
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geil.. reifenabrieb und bezinverbrauch.. .dazu kann ich nur sagen
GÖTTLICH ! Perfekt dadurch wird LFS zur besten RACESIM on earth !
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Offline Vykos
Joachim Fieß

Beiträge: 5355

Wohnort: Kronberg i. Ts.
Geburtstag: 04.08.1976
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 13:36 
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...und der "Was wünscht Ihr Euch"-Thread erübrigt sich... Sehr Glücklich Mr Green
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Offline toostrong@lfs

Beiträge: 362

Wohnort: halle/saale sylvercity

Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 14:02 
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boar schadensmodel wie geil *freu*
denn wirds lustig dann hat sich das mit dem wort sorry *lol*
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Offline darki@lfs

Beiträge: 40

Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 14:41 
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hm.. also ich weis net ob das mit denn karts oder f1 eagen so wichtig is.. ich werde das mal testen wieviele anderen auch.. aba ob damit ernsthaft einer fahren wird ? ausser fun ist fraglich.. siehe lx serie. villeicht gibts ja dann lfs kart und f1 ligen ;P

oki, in dem sinne.. nen schönene tag

see you
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Offline Badbutcher

Beiträge: 1147

Wohnort: Osthofen, Rheinland-Pfalz
Geburtstag: 12.12.1986
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 15:02 
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mh karts.....mh schadensmodell, da fahr ich doch mit meinem dicken gt turbo einfach drübaaa Teufel

mal ohne witz jetzt, das passt doch net zusammen, dem turbo würd wenig passieren und der kartfahrer wär warscheinlich tot, wird wohl getrennt sein
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Offline Brod

Beiträge: 7154

Wohnort: Jena
Geburtstag: 11.11.1985
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 15:19 
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Badbutcher hat Folgendes geschrieben
mh karts.....mh schadensmodell, da fahr ich doch mit meinem dicken gt turbo einfach drübaaa Teufel

mal ohne witz jetzt, das passt doch net zusammen, dem turbo würd wenig passieren und der kartfahrer wär warscheinlich tot, wird wohl getrennt sein

ma ehrlich ... kart wird dann eben wie gti sein halt ne neue klasse .. werden halt alle anderen cars aus gemacht ^^

aber s2 s3 wird geil freu mich schon richtig drauf auf schaden ... woar ^^ neue formel wagen sind nich so meins mag mehr so die touren wagen ähnlichen oder halt so serien nahe ^^

aber hab auf bh mir ma die mtr oder wie das cart heisst die videos gesaugt ^^ die karre zieht ohne ende sieht lustig aus mit dem überollbügel ^^ denke ma der is mit cart gemeint .. den formel wagen durfte man ja auch schon in der zeit der 0.1 version auf screens bewundern ...

aber schaden und bezin und reifen zeusch geilo ^^
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Offline StAyX

Beiträge: 6880

Geburtstag: 29.10.1976
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 15:41 
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am meisten freue ich mich drauf das die meisten die hier immer dicke pb`s fahren mal echt voll abloosen weilse nach dem ersten mal strecke verlassen erstmal die kiste in die box schieben können Zwinker

hehe sorry aber schaden muss her!!!
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Offline [zt]Mr. Su

Beiträge: 2635

Wohnort: Bonn
Geburtstag: 6.12.1988
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 16:14 
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formel wagen ^^ mit 300 sachen (auf dragstrip) ohne mit der wimper zu zucken gegen die hinteren wand ^^ da bleibt der fahrer übrig
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Offline Donky-Kong
Jens Röber

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Wohnort: Quedlinburg
Geburtstag: 09.10.1985
Beitrag Mo 08.09.03 16:33 
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emmm das stücke text von floh hört sich ja gut an endlich in regen fahren und mit den neuen patch einfach nur geil. aber ebend was da im original text steht verstehe ich kein Wort. (nagut 2 -3 wörter schon)
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Offline dude0815

Beiträge: 417

Beitrag Fr 12.09.03 10:21 
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boar geil... schadensmoddel... reifenabrieb, benzinverbrauch, regenrennen... herz, was willst du mehr??? und dann ncoh mit bis zu 16 leuden... boar scheiße ich kanns kaum erwarten!!
frage: in welcher S version wird es dennd as alles geben? in S2 odda in s2 und S3?? sorry, abba ich hab ken bock mir die beiden ganzen interviews durchzulesen... bin auch net so der beste im englischen... ;D
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