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Florian Jesse

Beitrag Sa 31.05.03 16:58 Weitere S1 Infos von Scawen
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Ein paar weitere Infos von Scawen über die S1 Version und das Lizenz-System:

Pleased you all like look of the RB4, no doubt Eric's happy about that too.

Mr Widdowmaker : Yes that is the plan, a downloadable version which contains the data, encrypted and waiting to be unlocked with an internet connection and a valid username and password. This way, we can get locked S1 versions in various places ready for download, and for example on magazine CDs, playable only in demo form until unlocked. The easiest way to get the full version is then, go online, pay, unlock and there you have it.

I'm certain that hackers will figure out how to unlock the versions to race in single player mode and make them available on websites in certain countries that don't respect copyright law, as they have with every single other game as far as i know, no-one has yet managed to protect against hackers - many games that go through a publisher are available in hacked form even before they are released, now that's bad!!

The alternative plan that springs to mind would be to allow people to download only after they had paid. But we have eliminated this idea because that would mean that S1 was only available from one place. So some other sites that might have liked to host the locked version might simply obtain a hacked version and host that instead (because there would be no such thing as a locked version). So it appears that the downloadable locked version is in fact safer, because there might be more legal locked versions than illegal hacked versions.

Note that people who download a hacked version are for a start taking a risk with their computer's security (personally i wouldn't like to run an exe that i downloaded from a hacker). And there's a big issue that they wouldn't be able to race online in the LFS community being linked by master servers, have statistics stored on the website, or be part of any of the online competition systems that we'll be adding over time. That's probably the best protection we have.

For the single player hack protection i will do my best in not a very long time period, starting on Monday i hope, and making sure it's not just a simple task of unlocking it then copying it to another pc - it wouldn't work in that case. But as people have pointed out, protection against the hardcore hacker is basically impossible, so its not worth spending too much time on the case.

Dolemite : about the connection between demo test and S1 versions, it probably won't happen, i did like that idea at first but it would be more complicated to set up and has this other problem that S1 online racers will be enjoying this protection against wreckers, wrong way drivers and so on. It's hard to imagine how the licensed racers would want to be racing against the unlicensed people. Apart from that, i'd imagine that Blackwood would be the least used track for a time as most people are quite bored of it already! Also i think the tracks will be really "locked" until they are unlocked, completely encrypted and so not available even for spectating.

Please be patient with us on this final stage, there are sure to be some issues and difficulties we haven't thought of yet, nasty bugs that take out a whole day here and there, and so on. But we'll get there, at least it's nice to know that this the only code section left to do.

As we've said before, don't worry that there are plenty of code features small and large, subtle or obvious that just won't be there yet in the S1 release, but the development goes on... while Eric is making tracks and cars for S2, i'll be working towards S2 as well and most features will arrive over time in S1 patches.


http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showpost.php?s=&action=showpost&postid =901958

Red Scorpion : Thanks Well i'm going to try and have a month off after S1 is released, going online, improving my sim-racing skills, doing a bit of spreading the word, no doubt interrupted by important bug fixes and so on, but trying to avoid the temptation to develop new systems for a few weeks... We devs kind of need a break after such a long push

KTy : We don't know yet the priorities for the various things, there are some racing classification things, maybe racing license style or something - grouping racers into levels, so people can find others with similar abilities for close racing and so on, qualifying support, damage systems, tyre temperature and wear, other tyre physics improvements, fuel usage and pitstops, open car driver animation systems, graphics and sound effects, suspension types, video editing systems, and many more. These will all improve the racing experience and are said in no particular order because the priorities aren't clear yet, some of those are a week's work and some are two months, my mind is drawing a blank as i mention those, S1 is all the focus right now...

http://forum.racesimcentral.com/showpost.php?s=&action=showpost&postid =902050
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Offline Stinger900

Beiträge: 1256

Beitrag So 01.06.03 16:12 
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er hat zwar recht das die warez kiddies lfs auch mitm crack zoggen könnten aber ich glaub dazu ist es zu unbekannt
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Offline Xero
Sebastian Dreher

Beiträge: 1112

Geburtstag: 28.04.1983
Beitrag So 01.06.03 16:23 
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naja aber wenn das key-system so wie bei Half-Life und Co. funktioniert, wirds aber mit crack nix mit onlinefahren! naja, hoffen wir's...
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Sven Kortmann

Beitrag So 01.06.03 16:29 
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Das Game bleibt nur solange relativ unbekannt, bis sich rumgesprochen hat dass das Game top ist. Spätenstens wenn es, wie angekündigt, als gelockte Version auf diversen CD´s und DVD´s verschiedener PC Zeitschriften erscheint und Gefallen daran gefunden wird, wird die Fangemeinde schnell sehr groß.

Dann dauert es kaum 1 Woche bis ein unlock-crack erscheint. So ist das nun einmal in der heutigen Zeit und außerdem denke ich das (fast) jeder hier im Forum schon mal ein Game als cracked Version gezockt hat.

So long, lassen wir uns überraschen...


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Offline Xero
Sebastian Dreher

Beiträge: 1112

Geburtstag: 28.04.1983
Beitrag So 01.06.03 16:38 
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ja aber wie gesagt, wenn der key jedesmal online abgefragt wird, kann man das onlinefahren vergessen... wenn man seinen key von nem keygenerator hat. Und da ja grade der Multiplayerpart klar im Vordergrund steht wird man dann bald keinen spass mehr mit dem singlerplayermodus haben Zwinker
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Offline Stinger900

Beiträge: 1256

Beitrag So 01.06.03 17:19 
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ich glaub das es so serin wird wei jl es sagt das dass gayme online den code abfragt und wenn er nicht stimmt wird disconnected
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Offline dude0815

Beiträge: 417

Beitrag Fr 04.07.03 9:44 
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John Lennon hat Folgendes geschrieben
Das Game bleibt nur solange relativ unbekannt, bis sich rumgesprochen hat dass das Game top ist. Spätenstens wenn es, wie angekündigt, als gelockte Version auf diversen CD´s und DVD´s verschiedener PC Zeitschriften erscheint und Gefallen daran gefunden wird, wird die Fangemeinde schnell sehr groß.

Dann dauert es kaum 1 Woche bis ein unlock-crack erscheint. So ist das nun einmal in der heutigen Zeit und außerdem denke ich das (fast) jeder hier im Forum schon mal ein Game als cracked Version gezockt hat.

So long, lassen wir uns überraschen...


Gamestar hat ja schon die Beta veröffentlicht!
abba an alle da draussen: dieses spiel: NICHT SAUGEN! KAUFEN!
12€ dürfte wohl jeder übrig haben... <-- stimmt doch so?
und dieses spiel ist viel zu schade ums so zu saugen!
ok, cu,
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Offline Brod

Beiträge: 7154

Wohnort: Jena
Geburtstag: 11.11.1985
Beitrag Fr 04.07.03 10:07 
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17,20 euro .. und das spiel mussu trotzdem saugen ^^ Sehr Glücklich oder nimmst den cd service von flo Zwinker
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Offline dude0815

Beiträge: 417

Beitrag Sa 05.07.03 21:37 
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weiß noch net!
wie bezahl ich denn denn CD service?
wenn ichs mir sauge muss ich ne creditkarte haben odda? (bin ja erst 13)
naja, LFS forever,
cu, vish
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Offline Brod

Beiträge: 7154

Wohnort: Jena
Geburtstag: 11.11.1985
Beitrag Sa 05.07.03 21:58 
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Augenrollen Häschen Augenrollen

bei flo kannsu anders bezahlen und nur bei flo kann man den cd service nutzen glaub ich ...
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Offline Alexander Fischbock

Beiträge: 2059

Wohnort: zu Hause.
Geburtstag: 14.07.1981
Beitrag Sa 05.07.03 22:04 
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oder zu zahlst per paypal, am einfachsten gehts über den shop auf www.live-for-speed.de da reicht ne einfache überweisung und entweder bekommste den key oder die cd, je nachdem welche version du haben willst, also ob cvd oder dl-version
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